Suku Directory Stable: Your Privacy-Focused Search Engine is Coming Soon!

Suku Directory Stable: Your Privacy-Focused Search Engine is Coming Soon!

We are thrilled to announce that the beta version of Suku Directory, a privacy-focused search engine built on the SearXNG platform, is nearing completion and will soon be available new features for you to explore!

In today's digital age, the importance of safeguarding your online privacy cannot be overstated. With the increasing concerns over data collection, tracking, and profiling, finding a reliable and privacy-oriented search engine has become a top priority for many. Suku Directory is here to address those concerns and provide a solution that prioritizes your privacy above all else.

Key Features of Suku Directory :

Enhanced Privacy:
Suku Directory is committed to protecting your online privacy. We do not collect or store your search history, IP address, or any personal information. Your searches are completely anonymous.

Customizable Experience: Tailor your search preferences to suit your needs. With Suku Directory, you have the power to adjust settings, filter results, and enhance your search experience.

Open Source: We believe in transparency and collaboration. Suku Directory is open source, which means the code is available for inspection and contribution by the community.

Unbiased Results: We do not prioritize any specific websites or manipulate search results. Our aim is to provide you with unbiased, relevant information.

No Ads, No Tracking: Say goodbye to invasive advertisements and constant tracking. Suku Directory does not rely on ads for revenue, ensuring a cleaner, more private search experience.

New features coming with the stable release:

Suku search engine: Until now, we have been presenting the data we have obtained from other meta search engines by protecting your personal privacy. With our new version, you can continue to use other meta search engines according to your needs, or you can choose the search engine we have developed for your searches. This option does not collect any of your personal information like the others. We will soon be announcing the details of our own search engine algorithms in a new post on our blog.

How You Can Get Involved:

We value your feedback and involvement in shaping the future of Suku Directory. As we launch our stable version, we encourage you to give it a try and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us fine-tune our search engine and make it even better.

Stay tuned for updates on our official blog, where we'll announce the release date of Suku Directory Stable and provide you with all the details you need to start using it. Together, we can take a significant step towards a more private and secure online search experience.

At Suku Directory, your privacy is our top priority. Join us on this journey towards a safer and more private online world. We can't wait to welcome you to the Suku Directory family!